Monday, March 10, 2008

Sad Day

Yesterday two cyclists were killed and a third person is critically injured when struck by a car. Goodness, such a sad thing. People enjoying a beautiful ride on a nice, country road one minute and then carnage the next minute. Everybody is sharing this sorrow. The cycling community is in shock.

I know the sport I love and enjoy is dangerous. There can be crashes at any moment. Not every incident involves cars. Other bikes can cause you to crash. Or you can just fall off all by yourself. I have done most of these type things during the years I have been riding. I've even had a helicopter ride off a mountain to a hospital. Crashes are a part of the sport. We can't avoid them. We can only use extreme care and caution. All of the time on every ride.

I feel very sorry for all the families of the people involved in the accident yesterday. The pain will last many years..

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