Thursday, January 17, 2008

First ride of the year

I did my first ride of the year today. Twenty miles on my bicycle. Oh, the pain... Here are the sore points: Seat is sore.. Quads are sore.... neck is sore... pretty much everything is sore...
The flat part of the ride was not a problem. It was the part that went UP HILL that was the biggest problem. In the twenty miles there was a cumulative total of 1,500 vertical feet of climbing. Okay, that isn't a very high mountain, but for this first ride it was a struggle.. My favorite saying is: "the hills are our friends". Maybe later in the summer they are but not right now...

1 comment:

YaYa said...

It really was a pain. I hope you did good though.

Nice blog. Did you ride on a motorcycle or a bicycle?