Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Wintertime Blues

It has turned cold here. Actually it isn't really cold like in Alaska. It is about 50 degrees and raining. There is a chance of snow on the hills around the valley. I will not need to go play in any snow that might fall here. I grew up in Nebraska where there is real winter. I hope to never have to step in snow again during my lifetime...

When I was young I loved to play in the snow. We ice skated on frozen ponds and even made ice rinks in the back yard by piling up snow and flooding the yard with water. The water froze and we could skate in our back yard.

School would sometimes close because of bad weather caused by a big snow storm and we would get to stay home from school. Instead we would go outside and play all day in the snow..

Snow and winter are fun when you are a kid but winter is a really big pain in the butt when you are an adult..

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