Sunday, January 27, 2008

Peanut Butter Cookies

Who mentioned peanut butter cookies? The smell of a baking batch drives me nuts.. Talking about a peanut butter cookie makes my mouth water. People even use that smell to help sell their houses. Realtors will make a batch for the "Open House" they hold on the weekends.

I have dabbled in baking cookies. I made all my Christmas gifts one year by baking Peanut Butter cookies for everybody on my gift list. Boy, my house sure smelled good.

Today was a really good day to bake. Rainy day outside. Bright, warm kitchen with a willing companion to aid in gathering the necessary equipment and ingredients. Mixing and baking took about an hour. My aide likes her cookies a little bit more done then I do. I make her a special batch just the way she likes them.. Now after I finish my share I will help her finish her portion. Yummy Yum Yum

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